25 Facts About Me.
Here are 25 facts about me, hopefully through this you will get a sense as to what kind of person I am and what are my weird and wonderful habits/pet peeves etc.
1. I can't tolerate loud eaters/chewers/swallowers/drinkers/breathers, you get the idea it's kind of becoming a phobia haha
2. I can never sit still, I will always position myself sitting on my feet and change my position near enough every five minutes, if there's a cure for this let me know!!
3. I may be suffering with a mild case of OCD;)
4. I love singing- this doesnt mean that I can
5. I don't like my feet or feet in general...they're creepy
6. I love cinnamon&chocolate
7. I'm always early for things, which leaves me wondering around killing time awkwardly
8. I'm very opinionated
9. I love salad and all things green
10. I love the country and definitely prefer it to the city
11. I can't concentrate or function in a room when the door is open
12. I'm very patient
13. I make lists for everything & always have to plan ahead
14. I find it hard to say no to people in any situation
15. I hate when people walk slowly in front of me, I have to control myself to not stand at the back of their heels haha
15. I tend to make up stories in situation when its awkward or boring
16. I don't trust people who wear socks with tights/stockings
17. I'm very open
18. I prefer cats to dogs
19. I wear contact lenses, I'm getting blinder by the day haha
20. I don't befriend people easily, once we're friends it's for good
21. When I have cereal I like it soggy
22. I hate late comers
23. I often get infected with people laughs, very rarely will I laugh at what they say, 90% of the time I laugh purely at their laugh haha
24. I'm very independent
25. I always attempt to wear earnings that are big and daring, I tell myself I can do it and 100% of the time I'll take them off as soon as i step out of the door or go for little studs :P
I hope this was fun to read, I would love if you guys told me what sort of posts you want me to do next and if you have any weird facts or habits you'd like to share, leave a comment!
p.s. follow me on twitter- @aleXandra_789
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